Learn more about our services- locations in Austin, Buda, and the surrounding areas.
4131 Spicewood Springs Road, Unit K2, Austin, Texas 78759, United States
When you arrive at the office park, you will see a large directory sign. Take a left here. You will stay to the outside of the business park (don't turn right) until you see Building K on the right-hand side. We are in Unit 2 on the first floor.
125 Rose Street, Suite 201, Buda, Texas 78610, United States
The building is in Buda's downtown historic district. Enter using the front door, not one of the several side doors, as they lead directly into other suites. There are multiple parking lots outside the building.
We also offer telehealth services or virtual visits to Texas residents across the state, depending on various factors, such as the client's age, location, availability of local providers, and appropriateness of telehealth.
PBT is growing and will expand our office space in Buda this October! We are exicited to offer half and full days of ABA, in addition to speech therapy, counseling, and other future services! Contact us for more info and to join the waitlist.